1.  Vary r fiducial input :

  • nside= 4, fsky=0.7, LiB. We vary the true r such that (true r) = p*r
  • for r = 0 we do (true r) = p*0.001
r = 0.0
r = 0.001
r = 0.01
r = 0.1
  • observation :
    • impact on BB variance non-negigable, especially for high r.

1.1  other noise :

r = 0.0
r = 0.001
r = 0.01
r = 0.1

2.  With El = (C^{AA})^{-1} P_\ell (C^{BB})^{-1} approximation

2.1  LiB :

  • We vary the estimation of the pixel noise covariance \hat C = S + N of a few percent around its true value C = S + p^2 \cdot N. Actually, what we vary is the noise level input \sigma \rightarrow p\cdot \sigma [muKarcmin] :
  • We compare the mc spectrum error using the xQML estimator built using \hat C with the optimal spectrum error built from C .
cross ns8
cross ns4
  • observation: the ratio is under 1.0 for p<1.0 . This is due to the approximation made for the construction of E_\ell . Indeed, the same tests on the auto-spectrum give a ratio >1.0. This is expected since, by construction, it should have an optimal variance. And ell other construction of E_\ell using \hat C \neq should give a variance above the optimal one. We verify this assumption by plotting the auto-spectrum variance ratio :
  • also, this effect is only visible for small variation around the true pixel noise matrix N , of the order of a few %. For larger variations, of the order of 100%, we recover a ratio above 1.0 :
  • anyway, the variations of the spectrum errors compared to the variations of the estimation of noise level \sigma muKarmin is at most of the order of 1/100, that is to say, negligible.

3.  Using exact solution for El

using the kronecker exact solution for the same analysis (see El) .

3.1  LiB

cross fsk=1
cross fsk=0.5
  • Observation :
    • As expect, we find that find that the variance is indeed optimal with this choice of E_\ell . The ratio is always above 1 for cross spectra, similarly as for the auto-spectra case !