Multi-Bolometer Covariance Matrix


Comparison of Covariance Matrix with PSB when Q,U are or are not estimated.

The correlation are more intense when Q an U are estimated too and also more spread.

Full Covariance Matrix without estimation of Q and UFull Covariance Matrix with estimation of Q and U


Full Matrix 45000x45000 with PSB and CrossPol < 1

- One can see an anticorrelation between offsets of a pair of PSB. (bolo a and b)
- The correlation is less important between two different pair of bolometer.

Full Covariance Matrix (resolution reduced by a factor 5)
A part of the inverse of Covariance Matrix
A part of the Covariance Matrix

One can see that the second block is anti-correlated with the others.
The PSB used for this covariance matrix of offset are: 217-5a, 217-5b, 217-7a, 217-7b. (HPR: /space/dmc/m2db/DATA:bench6_HPR_2048_GALACTIC/217-5a_ptg_CPVtag_noPS)


Matrix 45000x45000

 - There is a block at a strange position at the bottom of each "main sub-diagonal" !! -> IT IS THE 1-YEAR DELAYED SUBDIAGONAL !!!!


Strange Pattern fixed


Preliminary results?

- Problem in re-ordering the covariance matrix elements. Seems to be during or after the inversion step!!
- The size of Blocks is 64x64 pixels

  • A part of the multi-bolo covariance matrix:

*A part of the inverse of the multi-bolo covariance matrix:

Comment: The square feature is not observable on this matrix. It must appears during reconstruction after inversion by SCalaPack.
*Size of the blocks:

zoom of a part of the covariance matrix

The big blocks have a size of roughly 161,5 index on the plot so it corresponds to 161.5*2=323 pixels. (2 is the factor used to decrease the resolution)
But these blocks seems to be constituated of 25 smaller blocks.
The elementary pattern is then 323/5~64 pixels long.
So the results seems to be blocks of 64x64 pixels which is the block's size given to ScalaPack for the matrix inversion.